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S&P Global Market Intelligence

Angus Lam

Senior Economist, Country Risk

Based in Hong Kong, Angus focuses on banking sectors of emerging Asian economies. He works as an economist in the Economics & Country Risk directorate, specifically at the Banking Risk Service team. The Banking Risk Service team analyses key events and publishes key data of banking sectors around the world, with a major focus on emerging economies. Angus's research and analysis focuses on banking sectors in emerging Asia, which includes Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Before joining S&P Global, Angus worked for a large European bank in London and a government department in the United Kingdom, where he focused on the labor market and bank lending in the United Kingdom economy.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and politics from the United Kingdom and a master's degree in business, also from the United Kingdom.

Selected recent research: