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Elevate third-party risk management (TPRM) with quadrant-leading, award-winning solutions powered by quality data, deep industry expertise, and advanced technology.
As reliance on third parties increases, so does the exposure to risk across domains such as cyber security, sanctions, financial stability, reputational risk, and sustainability. Deepening regulatory requirements and increasingly complex operating models make managing third-party risk challenging.
Level-up your third-party risk management with reliable, quality data, intelligent risk management tools, and expert services.
Companies invest substantial time and financial resources in selecting preferred vendors, only to discover these third parties fail due diligence checks. This frequent scenario highlights a critical deficiency: the absence of rapid and transparent insights that could pre-emptively indicate supplier risk.
Our advanced predictive analytics are essential for enhancing the vendor selection process. By providing immediate and clear insights into vendor suitability, these tools help companies avoid the costly and time-consuming selection processes that often lead to backtracking and restarting. This not only streamlines operations but also significantly reduces inefficiencies and operational costs.
As companies grapple with expanding third-party portfolios, they face the dual challenge of adhering to growing regulatory standards with diminishing resources. The lack of streamlined workflows and automation makes risk management and oversight burdensome and predominantly manual. Implementing evolving regulatory requirements is also time consuming and requires ongoing investment.
Our robust, automated systems can help you achieve regulatory compliance, limit potential financial losses, effectively manage critical tasks, prevent significant compliance issues, and safeguard your financial interests.
Having easy access to pre-curated supplier data is critical during pre-contract due diligence and ongoing monitoring. Soliciting this data directly from suppliers can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and cause delays in onboarding and slow decision making.
Access readily available, comprehensive data that enhances the speed, efficiency, and effectiveness of risk assessments, prevent compliance and data security breaches, and safeguard against reputational damage and substantial financial losses with timely receipt of validated third-party risk data.
Growing inventories and stricter regulations can make controlling third-party risk challenging, especially with fewer resources. Companies often seek outsourced managed services to cope with these demands but find many lack expertise, leading to difficult choices: hire additional staff, deprioritize essential tasks, or rely on less capable resources to handle compliance activities.
Safeguard your business from potential vulnerabilities and severe consequences, such as costly data breaches, by choosing our managed service solutions for managing critical compliance tasks, risk assessment and due diligence, onboarding and segmentation, quality assurance, and much more.
Get a clear view of your customers’ credit risk with high-level portfolio surveillance views, comprehensive business credit reports, and more.
Understand the impact of world events, assess markets for expansion, analyze buyers, suppliers, and competitors, and anticipate changes to cost structures.
Reduce the burden of KYC requirements with this complete workflow solution for brokers, custodians, corporates, fund managers and service providers.
Want to learn more about our third-party risk management solutions? Complete this short form to speak with one of our specialists.